Monday, November 14, 2011

''Comment Haters''

Listen..''Comment Haters'' I don't give a shit if you Hate on my blog, Really it's pointless but hey Haters will Hate so it doesn't matter i'll keep them up it just makes me stronger and I will welcome new enemies so be a Hater be an Enemie.


  1. wow bitch you delte all bad commets cause you dont want to look bad =.=

  2. oh ya stop messing with wando goth nurbina29 and eye bitch or you mess with me

  3. Piss off Dark. You say its bad to call u names, but you can come to my den, call my pack stupid, and blah blah blah, when i never said anything lik that, AND I BARELY TALK TO U THINGS?? Whatever Dark. Idc really i dont. Just go die and jump in a lake. Seriously. I dont want to deal with ur shit anymore =.=

  4. @Darkthunder2012

    What kind of name is that? Fucking retarded. I agree with Anonymous and Rubin. Wanna know something? You called us flea bags, insulted my friend and told her to shut up, and told her "blah blah blah" should be her new name. Wanna know what your new name should be? It should be "I am a fucking retard because I actually LIKE Tinyshit98". Or another one should be "Shitthunder2012" because you look, sound, and act like a total piece of shit. Oh, and give tinyshit98 a slap for me.

    I thank you for your time.


  5. @Shitthunder2012

    That wasn't the answer I was looking for. Try again.


  6. @Wandofucking20
    I still don't give a shit.

  7. @Shitthunder2012

    Try again.


  8. @Wandofucking20
    I can keep going on here..Really I don't give a shit and you can keep showing off your no life and keep commenting seriously get a life and stop checking my blog.

  9. @Shitthunder2012

    Maybe you should not check this post in the first place, dumbass. I never said I show off my rares. What are you, fucking deaf? No, that's impossible because you are talking to me like a fucking donkey.


  10. Listen wando its MY fucking damn post not your fucking shitty blog so I get them anyway so I have to no life shitty wando fuck off and do your rare headed shit like normal is this your blog? Why do you keep checking it in the first place it's MY blog asshole i get them through email so fucking back off

  11. Wando go to hell and get a life if u dont like our blogs DONT COME TO THEM DUR U FUCKING RETARD.

  12. @Tinyshit98 & Shitthunder2012

    FINE I don't need to comment on your shitty blogs anyway and thanks, I do have a life not betraying my friends


  13. Your the only one who has bitchy bitch =.= You pick Goth over anyone if you only knew the whole story you would understand SHE betrayed us not us stop being a bitch and ur blog is the only shitty blog anyway wando im tired of fighting a low life like yourself I don't need you at all no one does but your rare heads :3 I don't give a shit and if you keep coming back then you have no life at all seriously just back off fuck yourself and have fun being inbred by Artic and Goth good day goodbye bitch =.=.
